Tales of Link Wikia

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JP 3354 Cress (Icon) JP 3354 Cress
JP 3354 Cress (Icon) [時をかけし英雄] Cress
Type Bash LV ()
ATK () HP ()
RCV () LC 20
Arte 3 light-type hits against one foe (100% x3)
LS Boost ATK to 2.2x for 3rd+ heroes in a link
(30 LC)
Boost CircleStar ATK to 2.0x for 2 turns
Earth Shield Double Boost 3
Vitality 3 Strength 5
Weapon Boost 6

PA Common Unit.

(Sweet Dreams for Kids) Cress (Icon) [Sweet Dreams for Kids] Cress
(Sweet Dreams for Kids) Cress (Icon) [Sweet Dreams for Kids] Cress
Type Bash LV ()
ATK () HP ()
RCV () LC 25
Arte Damage and delay one foe by 2 turns (117% x3)
LS Boost ATK of shot/bash heroes to 3.1x
Boost ATK of heroes on Star to 1.3x
(30 LC)
Boost Star ATK to 3.5x for 1 turn
Life & Attack 3 Overlink 5
Arte Plus 5 Link Boost 5
Gift Night

EX Christmas Unit.

JP 3631 Cress (Icon) JP 3631 Cress
JP 3631 Cress (Icon) [天駆ける英雄] Cress
Type Bash LV ()
ATK () HP ()
RCV () LC 20
Arte 6 hits against one foe (59% x 6)
LS Boost ATK of bash/spell heroes to 2.5x
(25 LC)
Change SquareStar into Triangle
Vitality 2 Forcefulness 4
Weapon Boost 3 Link Finisher 5
Strength 6

PA Soul Arena Unit.
