Tales of Link Wikia
Japan Unit
This page is for a unit that was only available in the Japanese version of Tales of Link.
Information for the Worldwide version of the unit was never released.

Melee Arte Xバスター
10 hits against one foe (35% x10)
Leader Skill 腹黒い算段
Boost HP of slash/bash heroes to 1.6x
Boost ATK/RCV of slash/bash heroes to 1.6x
Active Skill 月夜ばかりだと思うなよ... Req. LC: 25
Change CircleTriangle into Star
Boost weapon and armor stats by 3%
RCV +200
May heal 5% of damage dealt
Reduces fire damage by 30%
Boost ATK by 20% when at 50% or more HP

Awaken [Devastating Cutie] Anise
/r/ Tales of Link Flair
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