Tales of Link Wikia
Slumbering Nightmare in the Castle Prologue (Banner)
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A certain vampire seems to have awakened from his slumber, and is plotting something that requires an ancient relic. Sara and co. are called by Rowen to investigate a legend that concerns a vampire and his nefarious deeds. Elize, Rita, Meredy, and Emil tag along to help assist in the investigation. What awaits our heroes, and poor terrified Rita?!


# Stage Stamina Battles
Masquerade Festival
1 Emergency Contract 3 3
2 Meeting Rowen 3 3
Nightly Patrol
3 Not Scared at All 5 5
4 Squirming Devilishness 5 5


Hero Stone Hero Stones x2 (1 after each part)



──At a certain castle...──
Saleh Wind Edge!
Monster Yeeaaargghhh!!!
Saleh Such a hassle.
At least I've managed to obtain what I've come for.
So this is it, eh? I can sense the depths of its power... There seems to be no end to it!
If the legends are true, then this will be a party rife with misery and despair! How I look forward to that!
Heh heh heh... Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!
Child A Hee hee! What do you think? Doesn't this tail look great on me?
Child B This hat is so adorable!
Resident C Hey, did you get that thing ready yet?
Resident D Ah, dang it! I completely forget! I'll do it right now!
Sara Wow, this place is really hopping! Looks like some kind of dress-up festival or something?
Lippy Indeed! It is a local tradition that dates all the way back to the era of ancient magic!
Sara Wow, really? This town's been around for that long?
Lippy Apparently the town of Camilla was once within the domain of a vampire who possessed unusual powers.
Sara Yeah? Like what?
Lippy According to the legends, this vampire could summons monsters and apparitions at will.
The vampire and his minions terrorized the people who lived here.
But one day, a group of peculiarly dressed travelers appeared— seemingly out of nowhere. They slew the vampire and sealed the source of his power away.
So that they never forget their debt, the people of this village dress up like the traveling heroes to honor them in an annual festival.
Sara Huh! From what I've seen of the villagers' costumes, you weren't kidding when you said they were peculiarly dressed.
Lippy Indeed! I'm seeing villagers dressed as witches, fairies, and... a dog? No, perhaps that's a wolf?
It certainly is a joy to witness their revels, isn't it?
Sara Right! We've got to stay serious. We can't forget that we're here to accept an urgent mission.
??? Hey! (user)! Sara! Lippy!
Sara Emil?
Emil Ah, I'm so glad I found you! With so many people around, I was afraid I'd miss you in the crowd.
Lippy Quite a reasonable fear! But Master Emil, where is Lady Marta?
Emil We had such short notice on this job that she was still busy with another one. So... it's just me.
She said she'd come with me anyway, but I convinced her I could handle it. It... wasn't easy.
Sara Ha! That sounds like Marta, all right.
So, have you managed to figure out what this mission is all about yet?
Emil I was told it involved investigating monster activity in the region, but I don't know why it's such an emergency.
Sara So no one told you either, huh? Well, this job came from Rowen, and he wouldn't have said it was urgent if it wasn't...
What's that, (user)?
Yeah, you're right. We'd better find Rowen and ask him directly.
Emil I was told he'd meet us at the mayor's house. Lead the way, (user)!


Rowen Thank you for coming. In spite of the circumstances, I am delighted to see you all again.
Elize It's so nice to see you.
Teepo I missed you all so much!!!
Sara Elize! And Teepo too!
Emil What are you doing here, Elize?
Rowen Allow me to explain.
We've seen a dramatic increase in reported monster sightings in this region.
Elize Rowen and the mayor of this town are good friends, which is why he was invited to the festival.
Rowen And since Elize seemed interested in attending, I asked her to join me.
Lippy I see. So you arrived in town, and the mayor told you about the sightings...
Rowen Ideally I would have liked to investigate the matter myself, but unfortunately, I need to go back to attend to yet another emergency.
Sara So you asked the guild to send us.
Rowen Precisely. I am terribly sorry for pulling you away from your tasks, but I could think of no other way to ensure the matter would be resolved.
Emil That's nice of you to say, but... Investigating monster sightings? Any guild member could handle that.
Rowen There is another factor that has me concerned. Are you all familiar with the legend of this town?
Sara The story about the vampire? That's just local folklore, right?
Rowen I had presumed the same, but...
The monsters that have been sighted bear an unmistakable resemblance to the monsters that the vampire is said to have summoned in the story.
Emil So you think...
Rowen I lack the evidence to arrive at a definitive conclusion. It could be mere coincidence. But if it's not...
Lippy That does indeed sound like a matter that warrants a thorough investigation. And one by a team that's experienced at battling monsters.
Elize Okay, Rowen. You can count on us to handle this for you.
Teepo Elize and I will be coming too!
Emil I thought you might. Listen, though... doesn't this job require someone who knows a lot about monsters, and the town's history?
Rowen Yes. That is why I an so pleased to have Lippy on the team, as well as two specialists who have yet to arrive.
Sara Two specialists...?
??? H-Hey! Don't pull me so hard!
Hurry, Rita! Rowen expecting us hours ago!
Rowen Ah. It appears they're here.
Emil Wait, that sounds like...


Meredy Baiba! Sara team is here!
Rita You guys? What the hell...?!
Sara Meredy! Rita!
Emil Rowen, the specialists you mentioned...
Rowen Yes! I decided to turn to two of the foremost magical researchers I know.
Sara Good call!
Lippy Lady Meredy, Lady Rita... It is a pleasure and an honor to be working with you again.
Meredy Yeah! This is be great!
Rita Hey! No one's agreed to anything yet!
What's this about? All you said was that it had something to do with the era of ancient magic?
Rowen Correct. Allow me to explain.
Meredy Baiba! The myth monsters is back?!
Elize That's only a theory at this point...
Meredy Oh no! Meredy help investigate!
Rowen Thank you, Meredy. That is a great relief to me. How about you, Rita?
Rita A vampire... that controls evil apparitions...
Rowen Yes...? What is it, Rita?
Rita It's nothing! It's just that... none of this sounds like it holds up to scientific scrutiny!
This is almost certainly a case of witness error! I don't even see the value in pursuing it...
Emil Yeah, but what if it's not? Even if you dismiss the legend part of it, we can't just ignore a sudden increase in monsters!
Rita Well, that may be so, but—
Teepo Oh, I get it! Rita's afraid of vampires!
Rita Wh-What?! N-No!
Meredy Baiba! Rita, you scary of monsters?
Rowen Ah, forgive me. Had I known that before I summoned you, I never would have—
Rita N-No! Everyone shut up! I'm not afraid of vampires! I just prefer to stay grounded in science!
Meredy Then Rita help us too? Hweel!
Teepo You sure you're okay with this, Rita?
Rita Of course I'm okay! You think I can't investigate some minor phenomenon like this? Ha! I'll be done by nightfall!
Emil Rita, if you're not comfortable, you really don't need to—
Rita Shut up! I'm comfortable, all right? I've never been more comfortable in my damn life!
Sara Uh... Okay, then... I guess that's the team...? What's that, (user)?
Oh, good question. How exactly do you want us to investigate this, Rowen?
Rowen The reports suggest that the monsters are nocturnal, becoming active only at night.
So perhaps tonight you could patrol the region—
Rita At night?!
Lippy Lady Rita, is that a problem?
Rita No, it's not a problem! I'm not frightened at all!
Elize Are you sure you want to do this, Rita?
Teepo It's okay to admit you're scared!
Rita Shut up!
We're doing this, all right? Everyone get ready! Now!


Rita ...
Quickie Kuweeek! Kuweekee!
Rita Bwah!
Emil G-Geez, Quickie! You scared the heck out of me!
Quickie K-Kwek... Kwekee...
Meredy Quickie seem scary of something...
Elize We can handle monsters, Quickie. You don't need to be afraid.
Teepo It must be a vampire! It's probably about to attack us with its army of monsters and ghosts!
Sara Um, Rita... Are you okay?
Rita Huh? What? Y-Yeah, of course!
Lippy Dear me, Lady Rita. You look dreadful!
Sara What's that, (user)?
You feel it too, huh? There's definitely something weird going on here. Let's be ready for anything.
Emil It looks like we finally found a clearing.
Elize The moon sure is beautiful.
Lippy The moon light really is quite enchanting, is it not? But what is that in the distance—some sort of castle?
Elize That must be where the vampire in the legend hid his secret source of power!
Rita Not a word of that sentence stands up to scientific scrutiny!
Quickie K-Kuweekee!
Sara What's that?! Everyone, look out!
Emil I'm sensing something really strange here. Strange and... powerful.
Lippy I'm performing a smartphon analysis as we spea—
What a delightful coincidence. You've saved me a trip to the Heavens.
Sara Huh?!
Elize Is... Is that...
Emil A vampire?!
Meredy That person is flying! Persons don't fly...
Rita This isn't happening! None of this can be happening!
Sara (user)! He's got Lippy! We've gotta catch him!
Emil What's this?!
Rita Some sort of barrier created to deter intruders? Let me see that...
No good. This is astonishingly complex magic. Normal dispelling techniques aren't gonna cut it.
Sara So now what?
Rita I hate to say it, but we should return to town. We're gonna need to learn more before we can get through this.
Emil I think Rita's right. Staying here won't accomplish anything.
Sara Yeah, I guess not...
All right, let's hurry back to town!
Mayor I see... I never imagined that the vampire might actually return...
If it really was the vampire that abducted your friend, then we haven't much time to spare.
According to the legends, those abducted by the vampire never survived the night.
Sara N-No!
Rita But we can't save Lippy until we can figure out how to get past that barrier. Is there anything about that in the legends?
Mayor There is one thing that comes to mind...
Elize What is it?
Teepo Hurry up and spill it!
Mayor Some of the equipment that the previous heroes used when sealing away the demon survives to this day.
Apparently they had artes cast upon them that made them resistant to the vampire's power.
Emil Okay... So if the vampire was the one that created the barrier...
Rita We might be able to break through it with the anti-vampire artes! None of this sounds very scientific, though...
Elize But it might work!
Rita We don't have any other ideas or time to spare, so let's give it a shot. Where's this equipment?
Mayor Please, follow me.
Sara We're coming for you, Lippy! I promise!