Tales of Link Wikia
Name Type LC Min Stats LB0 Stats Max Stats
atkMin hpMin rcvMin atkLB0 hpLB0 rcvLB0 atkMax hpMax rcvMax
(Battle God) Senel (Icon)
[Battle God] Senel
(Battle God) Senel (Icon) [Battle God] Senel
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 487 (1290) HP 576 (1776)
RCV 299 (824) LC 6
Arte 8 hits against one foe (32% x8)
LS Boost HP/ATK of thrust/spell heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Boost Square ATK to 1.6x for 1 turn
Inspirit Attackers Link Finisher 3
Strength 3
Thrust 6 487 576 299 1057 1428 672 1290 1776 824
(Blazing Champion) Stahn (Icon)
[Blazing Champion] Stahn
(Blazing Champion) Stahn (Icon) [Blazing Champion] Stahn
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 618 (1498) HP 775 (2187)
RCV 628 (1509) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(30 LC)
Change Square into Triangle
Inspirit Attackers 2 Blazing Champion
Strength 3
Thrust 6 618 775 628 1275 1830 1286 1498 2187 1509
(Canine Traveler) Repede (Icon)
[Canine Traveler] Repede
(Canine Traveler) Repede (Icon) [Canine Traveler] Repede
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 494 (1324) HP 524 (1763)
RCV 322 (851) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against all foes (50% x5)
LS Boost HP/ATK of thrust/shot heroes to 1.4x
(40 LC)
Change CircleSquare into Star
Inspirit Attackers Forcefulness 4
First Link 2
Thrust 6 494 524 322 1083 1404 698 1324 1763 851
(Compassionate Flower) Lyra (Icon)
[Compassionate Flower] Lyra
(Compassionate Flower) Lyra (Icon) [Compassionate Flower] Lyra
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 456 (1288) HP 524 (1786)
RCV 298 (826) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost RCV of thrust/shot heroes to 1.5x
(35 LC)
Change CircleSquare into Heart
Strength 2 Forcefulness 4
Arte Plus
Thrust 6 456 524 298 1047 1420 673 1288 1786 826
(Courier Coordinator) Ines (Icon)
[Courier Coordinator] Ines
(Courier Coordinator) Ines (Icon) [Courier Coordinator] Ines
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 308 (1195) HP 378 (1585)
RCV 147 (767) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(45 LC)
Change TriangleSquare into Star
Strength 2 Vitality 4
Inspirit Attackers 2
Thrust 6 308 378 147 938 1235 587 1195 1585 767
(Dark Lion) Yuri (Icon)
[Dark Lion] Yuri
(Dark Lion) Yuri (Icon) [Dark Lion] Yuri
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 323 (1183) HP 350 (1441)
RCV 153 (817) LC 6
Arte 4 water-type hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.5x
(45 LC)
Change CircleSquare into Triangle
Link Finisher Desperation Healer
Double Boost 2
Thrust 6 323 350 153 856 1027 565 1183 1441 817
(Demon King Hunter) Cress (Icon)
[Demon King Hunter] Cress
(Demon King Hunter) Cress (Icon) [Demon King Hunter] Cress
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 449 (1287) HP 516 (1736)
RCV 292 (801) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (83% x3)
LS Boost HP of slash/thrust heroes to 1.3x
(25 LC)
Boost TriangleSquare ATK to 1.2x for 2 turns
Repair 2 Inspirit Attackers 3
Weapon Boost 3
Thrust 6 449 516 292 1044 1382 753 1287 1736 801
(Dragoon) Judith (Icon)
[Dragoon] Judith
(Dragoon) Judith (Icon) [Dragoon] Judith
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 322 (1248) HP 357 (1500)
RCV 152 (791) LC 6
Arte 2 wind-type hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost HP/ATK of thrust heroes to 1.4x
(45 LC)
Boost ATK of thrust to 1.6x for 1 turn
Heal Plus 2 Crisis Attacker 2
Vitality 3
Thrust 6 322 357 152 980 1169 606 1248 1500 791
(Eraser) Kyle (Icon)
[Eraser] Kyle
(Eraser) Kyle (Icon) [Eraser] Kyle
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 307 (1191) HP 354 (1489)
RCV 142 (741) LC 6
Arte 4 wind-type hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost HP/ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(45 LC)
Change TriangleSquare into Circle
Inspirit Attackers Weapon Boost 4
Lucky Healing 2
Thrust 6 307 354 142 935 1160 567 1191 1489 741
(Girl & Dog) Mil & Marishiba (Icon)
[Girl & Dog] Mil & Marishiba
(Girl & Dog) Mil & Marishiba (Icon) [Girl & Dog] Mil & Marishiba
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 289 (1080) HP 318 (1242)
RCV 145 (702) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (80% x3)
LS Boost HP of all heroes to 1.1x
(30 LC)
Change Square into Heart
Double Boost Strength 4
Heal Plus 3
Thrust 6 289 318 145 851 974 541 1080 1242 702
(Kung Fu Master) Farah (Icon)
[Kung Fu Master] Farah
(Kung Fu Master) Farah (Icon) [Kung Fu Master] Farah
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 482 (1308) HP 620 (1780)
RCV 300 (835) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost HP/RCV of thrust/spell heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Circle into Heart
Strength 2 Pinch Healer
Inspirit Attackers 2
Thrust 6 482 620 300 1069 1444 680 1308 1780 835
(Multi-Gunner) Illia (Icon)
[Multi-Gunner] Illia
(Multi-Gunner) Illia (Icon) [Multi-Gunner] Illia
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 466 (1318) HP 588 (1798)
RCV 304 (852) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.5x
(25 LC)
Boost ATK of thrust to 1.6x for 1 turn
Forcefulness 2 Weapon Boost 4
First Link 2
Thrust 6 466 588 304 1071 1447 693 1318 1798 852
(Panther of Calegia) Eugene (Icon)
[Panther of Calegia] Eugene
(Panther of Calegia) Eugene (Icon) [Panther of Calegia] Eugene
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 298 (1156) HP 360 (1516)
RCV 132 (687) LC 6
Arte 2 wind-type hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost HP of thrust heroes to 1.5x
(45 LC)
Change TriangleSquare into Circle
Forcefulness 2 Weapon Boost 4
Earth Shield
Thrust 6 298 360 132 907 1181 526 1156 1516 687
(Resplendent Warrior) Nitoa (Icon)
[Resplendent Warrior] Nitoa
(Resplendent Warrior) Nitoa (Icon) [Resplendent Warrior] Nitoa
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 315 (1225) HP 302 (1271)
RCV 161 (842) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against all foes (50% x4)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/shot heroes to 1.4x
(15 LC)
Deal a 1.2x-power neutral attack to all foes
Link Recovery Inspirit Attackers 2
Weapon Boost 4
Thrust 6 315 302 161 961 990 645 1225 1271 842
(Somatic Bondsman) Kor (Icon)
[Somatic Bondsman] Kor
(Somatic Bondsman) Kor (Icon) [Somatic Bondsman] Kor
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 298 (1156) HP 321 (1353)
RCV 149 (780) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (144% x2)
LS Boost HP of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(45 LC)
Deal a 7x-power neutral attack to all foes
Life & Attack 2 Wind Shield
First Link Vitality 4
Thrust 6 298 321 149 907 1054 597 1156 1353 780
(Student of the Sword) Asbel (Icon)
[Student of the Sword] Asbel
(Student of the Sword) Asbel (Icon) [Student of the Sword] Asbel
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 333 (1294) HP 360 (1516)
RCV 157 (819) LC 6
Arte 2 water-type hits against one foe (110% x2)
LS Boost ATK/RCV of thrust heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Boost CircleTriangle ATK to 1.2x for 2 turns
Repair 3 Link Finisher 3
Double Boost 2
Thrust 6 333 360 157 1015 1181 627 1294 1516 819
(Swordian Bearer) Stahn (Icon)
[Swordian Bearer] Stahn
(Swordian Bearer) Stahn (Icon) [Swordian Bearer] Stahn
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 618 (1498) HP 775 (2187)
RCV 628 (1509) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(30 LC)
Change Square into Triangle
Inspirit Attackers 2 Swordian Bearer
Strength 3
Thrust 6 618 775 628 1275 1830 1286 1498 2187 1509
(The Dawn King) Gaius (Icon)
[The Dawn King] Gaius
(The Dawn King) Gaius (Icon) [The Dawn King] Gaius
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 301 (1168) HP 370 (1557)
RCV 138 (718) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (50% x 5)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.6x
(45 LC)
Change CircleSquare into Star
Forcefulness 2 First Link 3
Strength 3
Thrust 6 301 370 138 917 1213 550 1168 1557 718
(The Invisible Hand) Rutee (Icon)
[The Invisible Hand] Rutee
(The Invisible Hand) Rutee (Icon) [The Invisible Hand] Rutee
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 454 (1298) HP 535 (1744)
RCV 324 (811) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.6x
(35 LC)
Change CircleTriangle into Heart
Quick Drain 3 Repair 4
Armor Boost 3
Thrust 6 454 535 324 1053 1394 670 1298 1744 811
(Umbrella Magus) Edna (Icon)
[Umbrella Magus] Edna
(Umbrella Magus) Edna (Icon) [Umbrella Magus] Edna
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 315 (1201) HP 321 (1304)
RCV 146 (737) LC 6
Arte 5 earth-type hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost ATK/RCV of shot/spell heroes to 1.3x
(20 LC)
Deal a 8x-power earth attack to one foe
Earth Shield Armor Boost 3
Vitality 3
Thrust 6 315 321 146 944 1019 566 1201 1304 737
(Viking) Chat (Icon)
[Viking] Chat
(Viking) Chat (Icon) [Viking] Chat
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 452 (1310) HP 528 (1762)
RCV 315 (837) LC 6
Arte 6 hits against one foe (42% x6)
LS Boost ATK/RCV of thrust heroes to 1.5x
(45 LC)
Change CircleStar into Triangle
Repair 2 First Link 3
Weapon Boost 3
Thrust 6 452 528 315 1061 1404 686 1310 1762 837
(Wielder of the Light) Asbel (Icon)
[Wielder of the Light] Asbel
(Wielder of the Light) Asbel (Icon) [Wielder of the Light] Asbel
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 452 (1296) HP 518 (1758)
RCV 294 (808) LC 6
Arte 5 fire-type hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/shot heroes to 1.4x
(30 LC)
Boost TriangleStar ATK to 1.4x for 2 turns
Vitality 2 Pinch Attacker 2
Water Shield
Thrust 6 452 518 294 1051 1399 659 1296 1758 808
(Winsome Killer) Leon (Icon)
[Winsome Killer] Leon
(Winsome Killer) Leon (Icon) [Winsome Killer] Leon
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 319 (1236) HP 343 (1433)
RCV 147 (767) LC 6
Arte 6 dark-type hits against one foe (42% x6)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.6x
(45 LC)
Change CircleStar into Square
Forcefulness 2 Dark Shield 2
Earth Shield
Thrust 6 319 343 147 888 1019 532 1236 1433 767
(Trainee Thruster) Lippy (Icon)
[Trainee Thruster] Lippy
(Trainee Thruster) Lippy (Icon) [Trainee Thruster] Lippy
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 313 (1186) HP 361 (1436)
RCV 161 (833) LC 6
Arte 3 light-type hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK of heroes on CircleTriangleStar to 1.4x
(40 LC)
Change TriangleHeart into Star
Strength 2 Weapon Boost 4
Repair 3 Elemental Shield 3
Thrust 6 313 361 161 854 1028 578 1186 1436 833
(Rickrack Blader) Rondoline (Icon)
[Rickrack Blader] Rondoline
(Rickrack Blader) Rondoline (Icon) [Rickrack Blader] Rondoline
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 492 (1364) HP 561 (1764)
RCV 313 (864) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK to 1.6x for 3rd+ heroes in a link
(40 LC)
Change CircleSquare into Triangle
Armor Boost 2 Weapon Boost 4
Vitality 3
Thrust 6 492 561 313 1111 1415 704 1364 1764 864
(Samurai Girl) Amakumo (Icon)
[Samurai Girl] Amakumo
(Samurai Girl) Amakumo (Icon) [Samurai Girl] Amakumo
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 462 (1312) HP 548 (1804)
RCV 310 (843) LC 6
Arte 1 hit against all foes (210% x1)
LS Boost HP of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(40 LC)
Reduce earth damage by 40% for 3 turns
Heal Plus 2 Crisis Attacker 2
Weapon Boost 3
Thrust 6 462 548 310 1066 1440 689 1312 1804 843
(Fated Swordsman) Leon (Icon)
[Fated Swordsman] Leon
(Fated Swordsman) Leon (Icon) [Fated Swordsman] Leon
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 357 (1385) HP 334 (1407)
RCV 157 (819) LC 6
Arte 6 dark-type hits against 1 foe (42% x6)
LS Boost ATK of heroes on CircleSquare to 1.4x
(35 LC)
Deal a 8x-power earth attack to one foe
Vitality 2 Link Finisher 3
Weapon Boost 3
Thrust 6 357 334 157 1087 1096 627 1385 1407 819
(Chosen Protector) Lloyd (Icon)
[Chosen Protector] Lloyd
(Chosen Protector) Lloyd (Icon) [Chosen Protector] Lloyd
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 486 (1302) HP 610 (1776)
RCV 316 (832) LC 6
Arte 4 fire-type hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/bash heroes to 1.5x
(45 LC)
Boost ATK of thrust/bash to 1.4x for 1 turn
Strength 2 Armor Boost 4
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 486 610 316 1065 1438 682 1302 1776 832
(Fostered Dragon) Lilith (Icon)
[Fostered Dragon] Lilith
(Fostered Dragon) Lilith (Icon) [Fostered Dragon] Lilith
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 449 (1287) HP 516 (1736)
RCV 292 (801) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.6x
(35 LC)
Boost ATK of thrust to 1.6x for 1 turn
Vitality 2 Vitality 4
Inspirit Attackers 2
Thrust 6 449 516 292 1044 1382 653 1287 1736 801
(Ultra-Hot Emcee) Ange (Icon)
[Ultra-Hot Emcee] Ange
(Ultra-Hot Emcee) Ange (Icon) [Ultra-Hot Emcee] Ange
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 449 (1287) HP 516 (1736)
RCV 292 (801) LC 6
Arte 3 light-type hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK/RCV of thrust heroes to 1.3x
(30 LC)
Change Star into Triangle
Repair 2 Pinch Healer 2
Lucky Healing 2
Thrust 6 449 516 292 1044 1382 653 1287 1736 801
(Brave Thruster) Sara (Icon)
[Brave Thruster] Sara
(Brave Thruster) Sara (Icon) [Brave Thruster] Sara
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 306 (1204) HP 344 (1430)
RCV 158 (856) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Reduce damage by 30% when at 100% HP
(30 LC)
Boost Star ATK to 1.6x for 2 turns
Strength 2 Weapon Boost 4
Repair 3 Resist Ailments
Thrust 6 306 344 158 863 1018 591 1204 1430 856
(Market Boss) Garcia (Icon)
[Market Boss] Garcia
(Market Boss) Garcia (Icon) [Market Boss] Garcia
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 464 (1298) HP 520 (1792)
RCV 302 (816) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (83% x3)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Circle into Heart
First Link Strength 4
Crisis Attacker
Thrust 6 464 520 302 1056 1423 667 1298 1792 816
(Dunamis Alumnus) Loni (Icon)
[Dunamis Alumnus] Loni
(Dunamis Alumnus) Loni (Icon) [Dunamis Alumnus] Loni
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 498 (1290) HP 586 (1793)
RCV 296 (818) LC 6
Arte 3 water-type hits against one foe (83% x3)
LS Boost HP of thrust heroes to 0.8x, ATK to 1.6x
(45 LC)
Change CircleTriangle into Square
Weapon Boost 2 Light Shield 2
Strength 3
Thrust 6 498 586 296 1060 1443 667 1290 1793 818
(Caeruleus Seraph) Mikleo (Icon)
[Caeruleus Seraph] Mikleo
(Caeruleus Seraph) Mikleo (Icon) [Caeruleus Seraph] Mikleo
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 707 (1700) HP 908 (2562)
RCV 668 (1605) LC 6
Arte 6 hits against one foe (42% x6)
LS Boost ATK to 1.6x when at 50+% HP
(30 LC)
Boost Star ATK to 1.6x for 1 turn
Weapon Boost 2 Forcefulness 4
Vitality 3
Thrust 6 707 908 668 1323 1934 1249 1700 2562 1605
(Triple Threat) Ludger (Icon)
[Triple Threat] Ludger
(Triple Threat) Ludger (Icon) [Triple Threat] Ludger
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 449 (1287) HP 516 (1736)
RCV 292 (801) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost ATK/RCV of thrust heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Circle into Square
Strength 2 Link Boost 3
Link Finisher 2
Thrust 6 449 516 292 1044 1382 653 1287 1736 801
(Noble Knight) Alisha (Icon)
[Noble Knight] Alisha
(Noble Knight) Alisha (Icon) [Noble Knight] Alisha
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 348 (1351) HP 331 (1394)
RCV 163 (849) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/bash heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Triangle into Square
Repair 2 Link Finisher 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 348 331 163 1060 1086 650 1351 1394 849
(Gushing Hot Springs) Leia (Icon)
[Gushing Hot Springs] Leia
(Gushing Hot Springs) Leia (Icon) [Gushing Hot Springs] Leia
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 822 (2000) HP 1099 (2000)
RCV 538 (1500) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (40% × 5)
LS Sets water temperature (No effect in combat)
(99 LC)
Restore 1 HP
Thrust 6 822 1099 538 882 1145 587 2000 2000 1500
(Elusive Middle-Ager) Raven (Icon)
[Elusive Middle-Ager] Raven
(Elusive Middle-Ager) Raven (Icon) [Elusive Middle-Ager] Raven
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 449 (1287) HP 516 (1736)
RCV 292 (1593) LC 6
Arte 2 wind-type hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost HP/ATK of thrust/shot heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Triangle into Heart
First Link Crisis Attacker 2
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 449 516 292 1044 1382 1216 1287 1736 1593
(Twin Daggers) Rose (Icon)
[Twin Daggers] Rose
(Twin Daggers) Rose (Icon) [Twin Daggers] Rose
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 830 (1995) HP 743 (2096)
RCV 683 (1642) LC 6
Arte 8 hits against one foe (32% x8)
LS Boost ATK of heroes on SquareStar to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Circle into Star
Vitality 2 Aura Plus 2
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 830 743 683 1553 1582 1278 1995 2096 1642
(Thrustfeather) Stabhawk (Icon)
[Thrustfeather] Stabhawk
(Thrustfeather) Stabhawk (Icon) [Thrustfeather] Stabhawk
Type Thrust LV 1 (50)
ATK 449 (1287) HP 516 (1739)
RCV 292 (801) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost RCV of all heroes to 1.1x
(50 LC)
Boost ATK of all types to 1.1x for 1 turn
Thrust 6 449 516 292 1287 1736 801 1287 1739 801
(Knight Commandant) Van (Icon)
[Knight Commandant] Van
(Knight Commandant) Van (Icon) [Knight Commandant] Van
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 782 (2500) HP 652 (1900)
RCV 823 (1500) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Smirking smile (No effect in combat)
(99 LC)
Deal 9999 damage to all enemies
Inspirit Attackers Aura Plus 2
Link Finisher 2
Thrust 6 782 652 823 869 715 857 2500 1900 1500
(Broadsword Master) Ruca (Icon)
[Broadsword Master] Ruca
(Broadsword Master) Ruca (Icon) [Broadsword Master] Ruca
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 309 (1192) HP 354 (1445)
RCV 162 (845) LC 6
Arte 3 fire-type hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.5x
(45 LC)
Change CircleSquare into Star
Strength 2 Pinch Attacker 2
Weapon Boost 3
Thrust 6 309 354 162 857 1031 586 1192 1445 845
(UA) Reid & Keele (Icon)
[UA] Reid & Keele
(UA) Reid & Keele (Icon) [UA] Reid & Keele
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 749 (1800) HP 603 (1701)
RCV 648 (1558) LC 6
Arte 5 hits against one foe (50% x5)
LS Boost HP/ATK of thrust/bash/spell heroes to 1.2x
(5 LC)
Restore 1,000 HP
Strength 2 Repair 4
Quick Drain 2
UA 1 hit against one foe (30% x1)
30% chance to prevent Petrify ailment for 3 turns
Thrust 6 749 603 648 1401 1284 1212 1800 1701 1558
(Master Fencer of Aincrad) Asuna (Icon)
[Master Fencer of Aincrad] Asuna
(Master Fencer of Aincrad) Asuna (Icon) [Master Fencer of Aincrad] Asuna
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 796 (1835) HP 784 (1792)
RCV 683 (1475) LC 6
Arte 7 hits against one foe (36% x7)
LS Boost HP of all heroes to 0.9x, ATK to 1.6x
(30 LC)
Boost Star ATK to 1.6x for 2 turns
Strength 2 Weapon Boost 4
First Link 2
Thrust 6 796 784 683 1440 1409 1174 1835 1792 1475
(Stunning Technician) Zelos (Icon)
[Stunning Technician] Zelos
(Stunning Technician) Zelos (Icon) [Stunning Technician] Zelos
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 307 (1198) HP 348 (1455)
RCV 168 (822) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.6x
(25 LC)
Give an aura to one of your present characters
Forcefulness 2 First Link 3
Strength 3
Thrust 6 307 348 168 860 1035 574 1198 1455 822
(Abandoned Power) Milla (Fractured) (Icon)
[Abandoned Power] Milla (Fractured)
(Abandoned Power) Milla (Fractured) (Icon) [Abandoned Power] Milla (Fractured)
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 307 (1191) HP 318 (1339)
RCV 160 (834) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK to 1.8x when at 50+% HP
(35 LC)
Change TriangleSquare into Heart
Lucky Healing Weapon Boost 2
Life Gain 3
Thrust 6 307 318 160 935 1043 639 1191 1339 834
(Storming Whirlwind) Rose (Icon)
[Storming Whirlwind] Rose
(Storming Whirlwind) Rose (Icon) [Storming Whirlwind] Rose
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 333 (1294) HP 350 (1475)
RCV 161 (842) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of slash/thrust heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Circle into Triangle
Vitality 2 Link Finisher 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 333 350 161 1015 1149 645 1294 1475 842
(Bow of Torrent) Sorey (Icon)
[Bow of Torrent] Sorey
(Bow of Torrent) Sorey (Icon) [Bow of Torrent] Sorey
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 348 (1351) HP 328 (1380)
RCV 164 (857) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/shot heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Star into Circle
Vitality 2 Link Finisher 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 348 328 164 1060 1075 656 1351 1380 857
(Karma Breaker) Jude (Icon)
[Karma Breaker] Jude
(Karma Breaker) Jude (Icon) [Karma Breaker] Jude
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 336 (1305) HP 344 (1448)
RCV 163 (849) LC 6
Arte 2 hits against one foe (125% x2)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/spell heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Star into Square
Vitality 2 Link Finisher 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 336 344 163 1024 1128 650 1305 1448 849
(Shining Smile) Alisha (Icon)
[Shining Smile] Alisha
(Shining Smile) Alisha (Icon) [Shining Smile] Alisha
Type Thrust LV 1 (80)
ATK 728 (1749) HP 867 (2445)
RCV 683 (1642) LC 6
Arte 6 hits against one foe (42% x6)
LS Boost HP/ATK of thrust/bash heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Square into Circle
Double Boost Aura Plus
Vitality 3
Thrust 6 728 867 683 1361 1846 1278 1749 2445 1642
(Hardened Ninja) Shizuna (Icon)
[Hardened Ninja] Shizuna
(Hardened Ninja) Shizuna (Icon) [Hardened Ninja] Shizuna
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 318 (1236) HP 380 (1598)
RCV 141 (734) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK to 1.6x when at/under 50% HP
(25 LC)
Change Square into Heart
Vitality 2 Weapon Boost 4
Lucky Healing 2
Thrust 6 318 380 141 970 1245 562 1236 1598 734
(Deft Swordsman) Asch (Icon)
[Deft Swordsman] Asch
(Deft Swordsman) Asch (Icon) [Deft Swordsman] Asch
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 377 (1465) HP 328 (1380)
RCV 149 (780) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/spell heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Square into Circle
Vitality 2 Link Finisher 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 377 328 149 1150 1075 597 1465 1380 780
(Superhuman Strength) Ines (Icon)
[Superhuman Strength] Ines
(Superhuman Strength) Ines (Icon) [Superhuman Strength] Ines
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 292 (1133) HP 321 (1353)
RCV 169 (880) LC 6
Arte 3 hits against one foe (84% x3)
LS Boost ATK of thrust heroes to 1.6x
(25 LC)
Boost ATK of thrust to 1.6x for 1 turn
Link Finisher Double Boost 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 292 321 169 889 1054 674 1133 1353 880
(Offbeat Swordsman) Yuri (Icon)
[Offbeat Swordsman] Yuri
(Offbeat Swordsman) Yuri (Icon) [Offbeat Swordsman] Yuri
Type Thrust LV 1 (70)
ATK 363 (1408) HP 328 (1380)
RCV 157 (819) LC 6
Arte 4 hits against one foe (63% x4)
LS Boost ATK of thrust/shot heroes to 1.4x
(25 LC)
Change Circle into Triangle
Strength 2 Link Finisher 3
Forcefulness 3
Thrust 6 363 328 157 1105 1075 627 1408 1380 819
